
Showing posts from 2015

Twitter as a learning tool

Twitter is an amazing educational tool, that has a lot of really great information, knowledge, and networking potential to it.  Granted.  BUT, I really have reservations about using it as a learning tool, and encouraging others to use it as a learning tool, without being really careful about how we implement this and put it out there.  One thing that really jumps out at me is the idea of 'trending' and in a similar way to news items one doesn't look to the Sun for serious news, is Twitter the right place for serious discussion or examination for serious 'stuff'.  The current Trend list highlights this point perfectly, celebrity culture and television happenings seems the bread and butter of Twitter- is it really therefore a serious place for discussion?!  Now all news sites focus on the 'cool' and 'sexy' topics to get readers in, but most at least have a little bit of proper news in amongst it. Twitter doesn't even try- or rathe...

Who are you?

Carrying on my blogging quest to become a better and more consistent blogger (as quests go granted not a crusade), I am going to spend this post looking at the first question taken from Kerawalla's 2009 paper on blogging, which I am using to help understand/work out blogging and how it fits or might fit with me. The question is: a) Negotiating the public-private nature of blogs: do you write your blog mainly for yourself or for others to read? How do you feel about making your thoughts and life events publicly available to [whomever]? For me this question has two parts, one, who is the blog for, two, how does this audience affect the way you write/feel about sharing these writings? So who do I write for? In the case of this blog, its inception was due to H800 requirements, the audience would therefore mainly be fellow students on this course. But am I writing for my own benefit to get thoughts out of my head and down on paper as a cathartic/thinking activit...

If you haven’t blogged yet, it’s not too late...but if you have slipped then get back on it!

If you haven’t blogged yet, it’s not too late... As the third activity of Week 16 states it's not too late to start, but for those of us who did start, and then promptly stopped, perhaps the challenge of this activity is different.  Part of the activity asks us to look at what we want to get out of a blog - which oddly enough was part of my TMA submission for what I would change in an activity- I discussed more of a focus on what we wanted to get out of blogging/what type of blog, rather than worrying about what to write, which is what I initially did...and as there was no theme, promptly ran out of things to write once I had written it (Maybe I should have read ahead in week 16 before writing that bit).  So getting back on the horse, seems to be the analogy for this activity, and sometimes getting back on the horse is harder than getting on it for the first time (I write this as someone with little experience of riding horses). For myself I let the reigns slip as I was ...

Second post and a poem

So my initial feelings about blogging were mainly based around "what do I have to add" and "what do I have to say". Sarah helpfully suggested; " Why don't you write a post about the feeling of "loosing the conversation", or "running late" in the tutor group forum? You mentioned in an earlier post, that this happened to you last week. I'd be interested how you experienced this."   So I have taken her advice/suggestion, and while this course doesn't really have room for another poet, I thought I would respond to her in her preferred medium. Forgive me my poetic sins. Last week I had a holiday, To Wales I did go. I took my IPad with me, They have Wi-Fi there you know. Some reading I had planned to do, Catching up on Seely-Brown. Or boffing up on Anna Sfard, While watching the sun go down. Now Cymru is a lovely place, The hills are green and lush. The speed of life is slower, There is no need...

First blog post...what to write...

I am always amazed when reading blog's, to think how an individual can have so much to say, so many interesting observations to make, and so much time to spend doing it. I also wonder who reads all of the millions of blogs that are available.  I then think about myself, how little I have to say (that would interest others), and how little time I have to spend writing insightful and interesting posts to share with the internet and those who wonder within it.  And then H800 came along and forced me to start writing and engaging with the blogging process.  Let the experiment commence, let my head be filled with blog-worthy insights, fascinating ideas, and revolutionary words... When any of the aforementioned happen I will be sure to post it here...